Ramadan Feeding Project 2024

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Budget: N1,000,000

Raised: N

he holy month of Ramadan approaches, a time for reflection, fasting, and sharing blessings. But in Maiduguri, many families face the harsh reality of empty cupboards and rumbling stomachs. For them, breaking fast isn’t a celebration, it’s a challenge.

This Ramadan, let’s change that. Together, we can fill plates, spread joy, and light up lives with the gift of food.

Imagine the impact:

  • Over 100 families in Maiduguri, every single day, receiving a hot, nourishing meal to break their fast with dignity.
  • Faces beaming with joy after a long day of fasting.
  • The weight of hunger lifted from families, replaced by hope and gratitude.

You can be the light.

  • Donate: Every penny counts. Contribute securely online and watch your generosity turn into meals on tables.
  • Spread the word: Tell your friends, family, and colleagues about our mission. Let’s raise awareness together.
  • Volunteer your time: Lend a hand with packing and distributing food packages. Your time makes a tangible difference.

This Ramadan, let’s break bread, not hearts. Donate, spread the word, and join us in bringing hope and nourishment to Maiduguri.


BANK: Zenith Bank

ACCOUNT NO. 1229028860

ACCOUNT NAME: Borno Islamic Charity Foundation

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